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What's Givable with Chisam

Chisom Uche, Associate at SixThirty, talks Youth Education & shares some Dalai Lama wisdom

Why is giving back to your local community important to you?

No one gets to where they are by themselves. There’s no such thing as being truly ‘self-made’. Somewhere down the line, someone somewhere lent you a helping hand and I think we all have the obligation to do that for others.

What do you like about Givable?

The exposure to different causes and initiatives that help so many people. Everyone has their philanthropies that they really identify with, but it’s good to be exposed to issues and organizations that you don’t see or think about every day.

What Givable Cause is closest to your heart?

Youth education.

Why is this Cause important to you?

Ever since I learned about the 3rd grade effect, I’ve become obsessed with youth education and development.

I think it is absurd how much you can predict about a child’s academic trajectory just by following their progression through the 3rd grade. I was always raised to understand, although sometimes reluctantly, that education was paramount.

I think we can do more for youth & expose them to the possibilities of what they can grow up and become.

What’s your Givable charity of choice?

City Academy!

What brought you to St. Louis?

I came to St. Louis in 2010 to attend WashU. To be perfectly honest, I couldn’t find St. Louis on a map until a year after I came here. At first St. Louis was just a place where there was a good school that I would be going to for four years.

What’s your favorite thing about St. Louis?

I love exploring STL! So many great pop-up events to check out, especially when it’s warm out! Naked Bike Ride, Q in the Lou, Full Moon Bike Rides, SoFar Concerts, Restaurant Weeks, Botanical Gardens Music Nights — it’s all great.

If you could make one suggestion to someone in STL, what would it be?

Get a bike and go! It slows things down and helps you admire the city. Plus, I think St. Louis is decently bikeable.

What’s your Personal Mantra?

I borrow it from the Dalai Lama- “Our purpose in life is to help others. If you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”

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